Sep 25, 2019 | Job Bidding, Blog
Let’s talk about some strategies that will help you win more job bids. Use the Local Contractor Advantage If you are bidding on certain types of local municipality or government work, you may have a local contractor advantage if the job is in your own hometown....
Sep 12, 2018 | Blog, Job Bidding, Management
Construction bid bonds are a topic that the new construction company owner may not know much about. I am going to give you a quick primer so you know what you are dealing with. When you get into construction jobs of a larger scale, whether you’re a prime...
Oct 12, 2017 | Blog, Job Bidding, Management
When first starting out, most small construction company owners will do their own estimating, in addition to the actual work on the jobsite. So the question then is when is the time right to hire a full-time estimator? In my opinion, you need to be in business for a...
Sep 12, 2017 | Blog, Job Bidding
Let’s talk about how to bid a construction job. You are going to want to provide a professional looking bid that clearly matches the requirements of the job. The bid will be divided into sections called “headers” and “bid items.” Headers...